Example Sentences
すべての競合 会社 がパイの分 け前 を得 ようとしています。
➥All the competitors are trying to get their piece of the pie.
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➥Businesses perceive as competitors a narrow range of the business world; there are many cases where they don't understand their real rivals.
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ウェブサイトのタグラインは、その企業 が何 を行 っていて、競合 他社 とどこが違 うのかがわかるようなものでなくてはならない。
➥The website's tagline has to let people know what that business does and how it differs from the competition.
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この条件 を受 けていただけると、他社 との競合 が有利 になります。
➥This would enable us to compete more effectively with other agencies.
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➥Our engineers compared this information with similar products being sold in Japan and concluded that they might compete very well.
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