
Kana: コウ、たた.く、はた.く、すぎ
Romaji: kou, tata.ku, hata.ku, sugi


strike, beat, hit, thrash, criticize

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  5
Radical Number:  30
Frequency:  2316
Skip Pattern:  1-3-2
Korean Reading:  go
Chinese Reading:  kou4
Unicode:  53e9
JIS:  4321


Nelson Index: 876
New Nelson Index: 696
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 3d2.3
Four Corner Index: 6702.0
Daikanwanjiten Index: 3238
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 2.0748
Remembering the kanji Index: 2166
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 2285
Kodansha Kanji Index: 208


叩く (たたく、はたく)
to strike; to clap; to knock; to dust; to beat; to play drums; to abuse; to flame (e.g. on the Internet); to insult; to use up money; to call; to invoke (e.g. a function)
叩き (たたき、タタキ)
mince (minced meat or fish); seared skipjack tuna; robbery; extortion; hard-packed dirt (clay, gravel, etc.) floor; concrete floor; whipping; lashing; bashing; beating; flaming
叩き込む (たたきこむ)
to drive into; to throw into; to hit into
叩き壊す (たたきこわす)
to tear down; to shatter
叩き起す (たたきおこす)
to wake up; to rouse out of bed
叩きつける (たたきつける)
to strike; to throw; to slap something onto
叩き (はたき)
(feather) duster
叩きのめす (たたきのめす)
to knock down; to beat up (till unable to stand)
叩き出す (たたきだす)
to begin to strike; to kick out; to forcefully expel; to fire (someone); to hammer (pattern, etc.) into metal
ぶっ叩く (ぶったたく)
to beat vigorously; to rain stikes upon someone; to tan someone's hide; to mericlessly pummel; to beat the daylights out of
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