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565 entries were found for 若い.
あの腕 の立 つ若 い棋士 は、なかなか大胆 だ。わざと、どこからも攻撃 されやすいように、しかも陥落 されやすいようにみせかけて、相手 が最 も予期 しない時 に王手 を決 める。
The talented young chess player is very bold. He deliberately lays himself open to attack, makes himself vulnerable and then checkmates his opponent when least expected.
ベイカーさんは若 い男 がすぐに去 っていくと確信 した。それで彼女 は、寝 る前 までに自分 の車 を本来 の場所 に駐車 できるように、若 い男 に少 し車 を動 かすように頼 もうと思 った。
Miss Baker knew that the young man would have to leave very soon, so she decided to ask him to move his car a bit, so that she could park hers in the proper place for the night before going to bed.
Those who choose to retire can do so as early as sixty-two, although starting to draw their Social Security pension at that age would mean that the payments are reduced by 20 percent.
The fat woman, the young couple, the sleeping Indian and the tall man in black, but now skin and flesh and hair had disappeared, and empty eye sockets stared from gleaming white skulls.
これは、結婚 に対 する人々 の見方 が変 わったことと、1日 24時間 あいているファーストフード・ストアやコンビニエンス・ストアが急速 に増加 して、若 い人 たちがもっと気楽 に暮 らせるようになったためかもしれない。
This may be because of a change in people's attitude toward marriage and the sharp increase of fast food restaurants and convenience stores which are open 24 hours a day and enable young people to live more easily.