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343 entries were found for 自由.
Later, those from many other countries flocked to the United States because they were attracted by reports of great economic opportunities and religious and political freedom.
しかし今日 では、計算機 は学校 の試験 では自由 に使 うことが出来 るし、数学 の試験 の時 に聞 こえる音 といえば、子供 たちが計算機 を叩 く音 しかしない、という学校 も多 い。
Nowadays, however, calculators can be used freely in school examinations, and already in many schools the only sound to be heard during a math exam is the sound of children tapping on their calculators.
How is it that otherwise reasonable people come to believe that this same roof, that practically vanishing commodity, is freely obtainable just by packing up and going to another country?