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666 entries were found for 町.
もし建物 の取 り壊 しが無制限 に行 われるなら、美 しい町 が単 なるコンクリート・ジャングルになる危険 があるのである。
If the demolition of buildings is uncontrolled, a fine city is in danger of becoming nothing more than a concrete jungle.
The children from the village would often gather up on top of the hill and from there watched the trucks and automobiles going back and forth to the city.
ディール市内 およびその周辺 には約 2万 7千 人 が住 んでいますが、町 の中心部 は小 さく、そこはいかにも小 さな町 の感 じです。
About 27,000 people live in and around Deal, but it has a small town center and it feels very much like a small town.
「警察 だ。ちょっと署 まで来 てもらおうか」「な、なんで?」「こんな街中 でドンパチやって罪 にならないわけないだろうが!!」
"This is the police. Would you mind coming down to the station?" "W-why?" "You can't think it's not a crime to go shooting guns off in the middle of town?!"
In England in the Middle Ages, whole towns played football on certain holidays, sometimes with as many as 500 players at one time.
すなわち、その路線 が通 る土地 の所有者 の意向 、他 の町 や村 の便宜 をはかるために、あるいは他 の路線 との接続 をはかるために迂回 することのメリットなどである。
In other words, the merits, etc. of making detours are the consideration of the attitudes of the landowners whose property the line would cross, the convenience of other towns and villages, as well as connection with other railway lines.