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555 entries were found for 生活.
Learning lessons from Europe, Japan has to switch its economic-oriented policy to a consumer-conscious one, in order to cope with the coming unprecedented aging society towards the 21st century.
Years of resistance to misfortune ended when the settlers' village was overcome by the savages and their hopes and lives came to the bitter end.
ポケットの計算機 は靴下 と同 じくらい安 く買 え、また、鉛筆 や消 しゴムと同 じくらい、何 千 人 というイギリスの学童 にとっては生活 に不可欠 のものである。
Pocket calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair of socks, and as essential to thousands of British school children as a pencil and eraser.
「どうだ」と兄 はいった。「わたしは正 しかった。ここで私 が静 かに良 い生活 をしていた。ところが一方 、あなたは王 になったけれども、多 くの苦労 をした。」
"You see," said the elder brother, "I was right. Here I have lived quietly and well, while you, though you may have been a king, have seen a great deal of trouble."
それに彼女 はそれを受 け入 れることを拒否 したのでずいぶん不快 な状態 で生活 してきたのである。「なんで自分 のいやな場所 に自分 を縛 りつけることで貯 められるお金 を全部 使 わなきゃならないの?」と文句 を言 いながら。
And since she refused to accept it, she had been living in extreme discomfort, exclaiming: "Why should we spend all the capital we are ever likely to have tying ourselves down to a place we detest!"