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1,129 entries were found for 業.
As the lesson comes to an end, even if the teacher doesn't say a word of "be quiet", "sit down!," the children naturally return to their seats and quieten down.
The best way for adjusting the gap between the internal and the external price and securing economic growth is to promote the non-manufacturing industry's productivity by aggressive investing in facilities.
Japanese seem to prefer picking a marriage partner as much like themselves as possible, finding a job that provides security and slow but steady advancement, and putting money in the bank.
About 50 percent of the firms in Japan have acknowledged the necessity of giving their workers longer holidays, and think summer holidays are needed to give their workers both mental and physical refreshment.
ボーイング社 の安全 担当 の専門家 は航空 産業 の他 の専門家 と一緒 になって制御 飛行中 の墜落 (CFIT)として知 られている墜落 事故 をなくそうと国際的 な対策 委員会 を組織 している。
Boeing's safety experts have joined others in the industry to form an international task force to try to eliminate one particular kind of air crash known as controlled flight into terrain, CFIT.
One problem is how the enterprises arrange posts for excellent female students, but another important point is whether the educational industry can grow and supply creative students needed for Japan's future.
この団体 は、旅行 や健康 管理 といったことに関 する情報 を配布 し、保険業 や医療 や住宅 (供給 )を規制 する法律 の制定 といった、この年齢層 の人々 に影響 のある諸 問題 に関 して投票権 を行使 するように会員 に勧 めている。
This group passes out information on such things as travel and health care, and encourages its members to vote on issues that affect this age group such as legislation regulating the insurance industry, medical care and housing.
Instead of giving the money, that is the normal coin of the realm, which is the phrase that everyone used then, they would give them a token, and this token might be metal, might be wood, might be cardboard.
「情報 スーパーハイウェイ」の真 のインパクトは、情報 インフラの構築 により経済 が従来 のハードやモノづくり中心 の実体 経済 から知識 、情報 、ソフトを主体 とした経済 に移行 し、そこから生 まれる新 しい産業 や経済 活動 にある。
Forming an information infrastructure, the real impact of the information highway is an expectation of new economic development due to a shift from a tangible hardware-industry to brain-oriented software-industry.