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743 entries were found for 果.
The work of art, I decided, was the final product of human activity, and the final justification for all the misery, the endless toil and the frustrated strivings of humanity.
My father achieved that and more in four words, which made quoting Shakespeare as effective as any business adviser could wish.
その結果 として、大切 な躾 や社会 道徳 の教育 がおろそかにされてきた事 は否 めない。多 くの親 自身 が、子供 の勉強 を優先 するあまり、他人 への思 いやりなど社会 の一員 としての責任 を忘 れがちになっているのも事実 である。
As a result, it is undeniable that important disciplines and moral education have been neglected. By placing excessive importance on scholastic achievement, many parents have forgotten such basic social courtesies as consideration for others.