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424 entries were found for 必ず.
われわれは過 ぎし日 の事 を、必 ずしも愛情 とは言 えないまでも少 なくとも一種 の憧 れを持 ってふりかえるのである。
We look back on days gone by, if not always with affections, at any rate with a kind of wistfulness.
※基本的 な禁止 事項 (誹謗 ・中傷 の禁止等 )は「はじめにお読 み下 さい」に記載 してあります。必 ずお読 みください。
* The basic prohibitions (No slander, libel, etc.) are noted in the "Read me first." Please be sure to read it.
会場に着くと早速担当者に「この絵は将来必ず値が上がる。 」などとしつこく言われ、契約書にサインしてしまった。
When I reached the hall right away the person in charge unrelentingly said things like "This painting is certain to increase in value in the future," and I went and signed the contract.
In the "Mafia" tradition of organized crime, any member who discloses its operation is sure to be rubbed out.