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1,901 entries were found for 実.
もちろん、実際 に「はやぶさ」が太陽 に近 づいているわけではなく、図 のように地球 から見 て太陽 の反対側 に位置 するだけですが、このような現象 を「合 」と呼 びます。
Of course "Hayabusa" is not actually closing in on the Sun, it is just positioned as in the figure so that, seen from the Earth, it is on the opposite side of the Sun; this is called 'conjunction'.
A building with high ceilings and huge rooms may be less practical than the colorless block of offices that takes its place, but it often fits in well with its surroundings.
Although I broke test tubes and played about with chemicals for fun, I did occasionally manage to obey the teacher's instructions as well; repeating experiments that others had long ago undertaken.
Japanese seem to prefer picking a marriage partner as much like themselves as possible, finding a job that provides security and slow but steady advancement, and putting money in the bank.
すべての芸術 作品 の中 で最高 の作品 の中 にはあらゆる事 が実現 されており、私 は何 も与 える事 ができず、私 の落 ちつかない心 は、ただ受動的 に見 つめる事 に飽 きて仕舞 うのだった。
In the greatest of all works of art everything had been realized, I could give nothing, and my restless mind tired of passive contemplation.
A scientist had to know how to ask the correct question and to state it so clearly that the answer would be, in effect, a definite yes or no, not "maybe".
そして、その小 さなウサギの二 人 は大 きな森 の中 でいっしょに幸 せに暮 して、たんぽぽを食 べたり、ひなぎくを飛 んだりクローバーを通 りぬけたりオークの実 を探 したりして長 い間 暮 らしました。
And so the two little rabbits lived together happily in the big forest; eating dandelions, playing Jump The Daisies, Run Through The Clover and Find The Acorn all day long.
If the other person does mention his family, then it is perfectly OK to ask about the ages of the children, and if you have children, to compare educational and cultural differences in raising children.
その結果 として、大切 な躾 や社会 道徳 の教育 がおろそかにされてきた事 は否 めない。多 くの親 自身 が、子供 の勉強 を優先 するあまり、他人 への思 いやりなど社会 の一員 としての責任 を忘 れがちになっているのも事実 である。
As a result, it is undeniable that important disciplines and moral education have been neglected. By placing excessive importance on scholastic achievement, many parents have forgotten such basic social courtesies as consideration for others.
「情報 スーパーハイウェイ」の真 のインパクトは、情報 インフラの構築 により経済 が従来 のハードやモノづくり中心 の実体 経済 から知識 、情報 、ソフトを主体 とした経済 に移行 し、そこから生 まれる新 しい産業 や経済 活動 にある。
Forming an information infrastructure, the real impact of the information highway is an expectation of new economic development due to a shift from a tangible hardware-industry to brain-oriented software-industry.