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326 entries were found for 増.
Career opportunities, flex-time, satellite offices, and more childcare facilities are required to make women at home join the work force.
Since women are taking on more responsibilities at work and in the community, it is said that the number of women with stress from both child-rearing and work is increasing.
More than ever do we need goals or leading ideas that will give purpose to whatever we are doing.
それで、過去 の知識 が、その知識 に関 するだいたい適切 と思 われる想定 と混 ざり合 って、五感 によって提供 される情報 を増大 させるために利用 されるのである。
And so, knowledge from the past, mixed up with assumptions about that knowledge, which may be more or less appropriate, is used to augment information provided by the senses.
「そうそう。せめて2階 にも増 やして欲 しい・・・ってなんでお前 がここにいる!?」「なんでって、そんなん決 まってるやんか。一緒 に連 れションするためや」
"That's right. At the least I wish they'd add one to the first floor as well ... Wait a mo! Why are you here!?" "'Why' is obvious isn't it? It's so we can go to the toilet together."
これは、結婚 に対 する人々 の見方 が変 わったことと、1日 24時間 あいているファーストフード・ストアやコンビニエンス・ストアが急速 に増加 して、若 い人 たちがもっと気楽 に暮 らせるようになったためかもしれない。
This may be because of a change in people's attitude toward marriage and the sharp increase of fast food restaurants and convenience stores which are open 24 hours a day and enable young people to live more easily.