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784 entries were found for 医.
その医師 は内科医 として、瀕死 の子供 の生命 を救 うために、できることはなんでもしたばかりか、危機 を切 り抜 けるために自分 の血 を提供 までした。
The doctor did everything possible as a physician to save the life of the dying child; he also gave his blood to help the child weather the storm.
I was given a scare by a doctor I interviewed for the TV program who warned me not to rest easy just because I had no allergic symptoms at the moment.
Medicaid, a program originally created to provide medical care for poverty-level women and children, today spends almost a third of its budget on elderly people.
この団体 は、旅行 や健康 管理 といったことに関 する情報 を配布 し、保険業 や医療 や住宅 (供給 )を規制 する法律 の制定 といった、この年齢層 の人々 に影響 のある諸 問題 に関 して投票権 を行使 するように会員 に勧 めている。
This group passes out information on such things as travel and health care, and encourages its members to vote on issues that affect this age group such as legislation regulating the insurance industry, medical care and housing.