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1,131 entries were found for がる.
One of the reasons some workers hesitate to use their paid holidays is that they fear unfavorable reactions from their colleagues or superiors.
Knowing very well that his wife wanted to go to a movie, the husband, who was a dog in the manger, cooked up a scheme whereby they had to stay at home waiting for a certain visitor who was not expected to come.
While welcoming the firming up of the present government policy to abandon the proposal of the reform bill to the Diet, at the same time some are worried that Prime Minister Koizumi won't clearly state the bill's withdrawal.
On the way out I said to my waitress, "Be careful, Sue. There's something funny about the glasses you gave me - they're filled in on the top, and there's a hole on the bottom!"
Especially over the last 20 years, the purported link between progressive welfare policies and economic failure in the Northern European countries seems to point to the difficulty of sustaining both full social welfare and international competitivity.
There is a tendency for Japanese to want to know a certain amount of personal information about someone such as age, position and whether they are married or not, before they feel comfortable talking with a stranger.
こうした熊 独特 の特徴 が、熊 が動 かずに狩猟 すること(アザラシの呼吸 孔 の脇 でじっと動 かず、アザラシが海面 に上 がってくるのを待 つ)を好 む説明 になっている。
These special characteristics explain its preference for still-hunting (lying motionless beside a seal's breathing hole, waiting for one to surface).
One of the important differences between Japanese and Americans is that Japanese tend to choose a safe course in life, while Americans choose to explore and challenge life.
ホワイト氏 は彼 らに「お部屋 の宿泊料 は30ドルですから、お一 人 様 10ドルとなります。」と言 いました。男性達 はそれぞれ10ドルずつ支払 い、部屋 に上 がりました。
Mr White said to them, "The room will be $30. $10 for each man." Each man gave him $10 and went up to the room.
3人 のうちの1人 が芝刈 り機 で私 の庭 を大雑把 にさっと刈 り、もう一 人 が妻 の庭 の端 の伸 びた雑草 をさっと2、3回刈 り、残 りの一 人 はトラックに上 がってタバコをすっていた。
While one of them sped around major parts of the property on the mower, a second made a few sweeps at some tall weeds on the edge of my wife's garden, and the third got into the truck and smoked a cigarette.