
Sentence Analyzer

汽車 込んでいて ずっと 立ち 通し だった

English Translation

The train was so crowded that I was kept standing all the way.




Kisha wa kondeite, watashi wa zutto tachi tōshi datta.


汽車 (きしゃ)
train (sometimes specifically a steam train)
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
込む (こむ)
to be crowded; to be packed; to be complex; to go into; to put into; to remain (seated); to be plunged into (silence); to do thoroughly; to do intently; to continue in the same state
I; me; private affairs; personal matter; secrecy; selfishness
ずっと (ずっと、ずーっと、ずうっと)
continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; all along; the whole time; all the way; much (better, etc.); by far; far and away; far away; long ago; direct; straight
立つ (たつ)
to stand; to rise; to stand up; to find oneself (e.g. in a difficult position); to depart (on a plane, train, etc.)
通し (とおし)
direct; right through; straight; appetizer; appetiser; performance of an entire play
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative


Meanings: vapor, steam
Readings: シャ、 くるま
Meaning: car
Readings: -こ.む、 こ.む、 こ.み、 -こ.み、 こ.める
Meanings: crowded, mixture, in bulk, included, (kokuji)
Readings: シ、 わたくし、 わたし
Meanings: private, I, me
Readings: リツ、 リュウ、 リットル、 た.つ、 -た.つ、 た.ち-、 た.てる、 -た.てる、 た.て-、 たて-、 -た.て、 -だ.て、 -だ.てる
Meanings: stand up, rise, set up, erect
Readings: ツウ、 ツ、 とお.る、 とお.り、 -とお.り、 -どお.り、 とお.す、 とお.し、 -どお.し、 かよ.う
Meanings: traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.