
Sentence Analyzer

強調 構文 なんて 殆ど 忘れていた

English Translation

I have pretty much forgotten the emphatic constructions.




Watashi wa kyōchō kōbun nante hotondo wasureteita.


I; me; private affairs; personal matter; secrecy; selfishness
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
強調 (きょうちょう)
emphasis; highlight; stress; stressed point
構文 (こうぶん)
syntax; sentence structure
なんて (なんて)
such as; (things) like; exclamation
殆ど (ほとんど)
mostly; nearly; practically; well-nigh; almost invariably; all but; just about; almost
忘れる (わすれる)
to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article)


Readings: シ、 わたくし、 わたし
Meanings: private, I, me
Readings: キョウ、 ゴウ、 つよ.い、 つよ.まる、 つよ.める、 し.いる、 こわ.い
Meaning: strong
Readings: チョウ、 しら.べる、 しら.べ、 ととの.う、 ととの.える
Meanings: tune, tone, meter, key (music), writing style, prepare, exorcise, investigate, harmonize, mediate
Readings: コウ、 かま.える、 かま.う
Meanings: posture, build, pretend
Readings: ブン、 モン、 ふみ、 あや
Meanings: sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan, literary radical (no. 67)
Readings: タイ、 サイ、 ほとほと、 ほとん.ど、 あやうい
Meanings: almost, quite, really
Readings: ボウ、 わす.れる
Meaning: forget