
Sentence Analyzer

詳細 出版社 申し出あり 次第 お知らせ致します

English Translation

More detailed information will be supplied on application to the publisher.




Shōsai wa tō shuppansha ni mōshideari shidai oshiraseitashimasu.


詳細 (しょうさい)
detail; particulars
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
this (business organisation or place)
出版社 (しゅっぱんしゃ)
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although
申し出る (もうしでる)
to report to; to tell; to suggest; to submit; to request; to make an offer; to come forward with information
次第 (しだい)
dependent upon; as soon as; immediately (upon); circumstances; order; precedence; program; programme; agenda
お知らせ (おしらせ)
notice; notification


Readings: ショウ、 くわ.しい、 つまび.らか
Meanings: detailed, full, minute, accurate, well-informed
Readings: サイ、 ほそ.い、 ほそ.る、 こま.か、 こま.かい
Meanings: dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow, detailed, precise
Readings: トウ、 あ.たる、 あ.たり、 あ.てる、 あ.て、 まさ.に、 まさ.にべし
Meanings: hit, right, appropriate, himself
Readings: シュツ、 スイ、 で.る、 -で、 だ.す、 -だ.す、 い.でる、 い.だす
Meanings: exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude
Reading: ハン
Meanings: printing block, printing plate, edition, impression, label
Readings: シャ、 やしろ
Meanings: company, firm, office, association, shrine
Readings: シン、 もう.す、 もう.し-、 さる
Meanings: have the honor to, sign of the monkey, 3-5PM, ninth sign of Chinese zodiac
Readings: ジ、 シ、 つ.ぐ、 つぎ
Meanings: next, order, sequence
Readings: ダイ、 テイ
Meanings: No., residence
Readings: チ、 し.る、 し.らせる
Meanings: know, wisdom
Readings: チ、 いた.す
Meanings: doth, do, send, forward, cause, exert, incur, engage