
Kana: ボウ、ム、ほこ
Romaji: bou, mu, hoko


halberd, arms, festival float

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  14
Radical Number:  167
Frequency:  2453
Skip Pattern:  1-8-6
Korean Reading:  mo
Chinese Reading:  mou2
Unicode:  927e
JIS:  4B48


Halpern Index: 1720
Nelson Index: 4845
New Nelson Index: 6255
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 8a6.11
Four Corner Index: 8315.0
Japanese Names Index: 2342
Daikanwanjiten Index: 40353
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 11.0525
Kodansha Kanji Index: 2154


long-handled Chinese spear; lance; pike; weapon; arms; grip of a bow
mythical carp with the head of a lion and the body of a fish (auspicious protectors of well-being)
矛先 (ほこさき)
point of spear; spearhead; brunt; aim of attack; force of argument
揚げ蒲鉾 (あげかまぼこ)
deep-fried kamaboko
木棒 (きぼう、きほう)
wooden stick; wooden pole
蒲鉾 (かまぼこ)
kamaboko; steamed seasoned fish paste, usu. in a semicylindrical shape on a strip of wood and sliced to go in soup, etc.
山鉾 (やまぼこ)
festival float mounted with a decorative halberd
蒲鉾兵舎 (かまぼこへいしゃ)
Quonset hut
鯱張る (しゃちほこばる、しゃっちょこばる、しゃちこばる)
to stand on ceremony; to stiffen up (the nerves); to be tense
矛杉 (ほこすぎ)
spear-shaped Japanese cedar
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