
Kana: アン、おさ.える、しら.べる
Romaji: an, osa.eru, shira.beru


hold, consider, investigate

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  9
Radical Number:  64
Grade:  9
Skip Pattern:  1-3-6
Korean Reading:  al
Chinese Reading:  an4
Unicode:  6309
JIS:  3044


Halpern Index: 371
Nelson Index: 1899
New Nelson Index: 2147
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 3c6.10
Four Corner Index: 5304.4
Japanese Names Index: 1044
Daikanwanjiten Index: 12038
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 5.0222
Remembering the kanji Index: 2259
2013 Kanji Learners Index: 330
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 2360
Kodansha Kanji Index: 444


按司 (あじ、あんじ、あんず)
chieftain (of the Ryukyu Kingdom)
按察使 (あぜち、あんさつし)
travelling inspector of the provincial governments (Nara- and Heian-period position)
按摩さん (あんまさん)
masseuse; masseur
案ずる (あんずる)
to be anxious or concerned about; to ponder (anxiously); to fear; to investigate; to consider; to plan; to pat; to rub; to take a sword in one's hand
按摩師 (あんまし)
masseuse; masseur
あん摩 (あんま)
massage, esp. the Anma Japanese type of massage; masseur; masseuse; massager; blind person (as many were traditionally massagers)
塩梅 (あんばい)
seasoning; flavour; flavor; condition; state; situation; arrangement; assignment; adjustment
案分 (あんぶん)
proportional division; proportional distribution
案じる (あんじる)
to be anxious or concerned about; to ponder (anxiously); to fear; to investigate; to consider; to plan; to pat; to rub; to take a sword in one's hand
按摩膏 (あんまこう)
massaging plaster
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