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594 entries were found for 顔.
I glared briefly in the referee's direction but he was putting on a calm face while picking his nose. "Dammit, the fight's a fixup!?"
「どうした、その鼻 ?」「車 をバックする時 に後 ろを確認 しようとしたんだが、窓 が開 いてると思 い込 んで顔 を窓 にぶつけたんだ!」
"What happened to your nose?" "When I was backing my car up I went to check behind me, convinced that the car window was open, and bashed my face into it!"
In fact, there is a joke about passport photos: If you really look like the picture in your passport, you certainly need a vacation!
そして、私 たちは大変 多 くのことをとても多 くの方法 で・・・顔 や手 や体 や声 を使 って・・・伝 えることができる。私 たちは、言葉 で考 えを書 くことさえできる。
And we can communicate so many things in so many ways - with our faces, hands, bodies, and voices. We can even write our thoughts in words.