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313 entries were found for 礼.
It's only manners to tackle all out a game that they have gone all out in creating. Pressing the pause button is just rude!
「ところで神社 を知 っていますか?」「軽 く触 れる程度 には。信仰 対象 となった存在 、いわゆるところの神格 を祭 る礼拝 施設 ね」
"By the way, do you know what a Shinto shrine is?" "I've a little bit of knowledge on the subject. It's a religious facility where that which is the object of worship, that called the genius loci, is enshrined."
ミケランジェロがシスティナ礼拝堂 の天井 に人物画 を描 けるように、シェークスピアがセリフを書 けるように、キーツが詩 を書 けるように、そうしたことのために無数 の人々 が生 きて、苦 しんで、死 んだのはそれだけの価値 があることのように思 えたのだった。
So that Michelangelo might paint certain figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, so that Shakespeare might write certain speeches and Keats his poems, it seemed to me worthwhile that countless millions should have lived and suffered and died.