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2 entries were found for 実戦.
かなり実戦的 ですわよね。目 つぶし、金的 、それに倒 れた者 への攻撃 以外 は、ほとんどOKとか・・・。
It's geared pretty much towards real fighting isn't it? Apart from the eyes, crotch, and attacks against fallen opponents just about anything goes ...
おやおや。いかな体育 の授業 といえど・・・真剣 勝負 の意気込 みで臨 まなければ、いざ実戦 と言 う時 に役 に立 ちませんよ。
Oh my. However much it's just a P.E. class; if you don't face it in real earnest, then when it comes to a real fight it won't do you any good.