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616 entries were found for 在.
「ところで神社 を知 っていますか?」「軽 く触 れる程度 には。信仰 対象 となった存在 、いわゆるところの神格 を祭 る礼拝 施設 ね」
"By the way, do you know what a Shinto shrine is?" "I've a little bit of knowledge on the subject. It's a religious facility where that which is the object of worship, that called the genius loci, is enshrined."
Wood is a disappearing resource in much of Africa, and these stoves burn far less wood than the stoves currently in much use.
この一連 の出来事 が同時 に起 こる可能性 は2百 万 回 の飛行 で1回 であり、現在 の航空機 運航量 からすると2ヶ月 にほぼ1回 になる。
The probability of this chain of events all happening at once is one in 2 million flights - about once every two months at current levels of air traffic.
Causing competitors to fail, obtaining confidential information, something that big business just can't do without - high risk but at the same time high return work.
そのため、僕 にとってのココは「遊 び相手 のお姉 さん」で、家族 のひとりとしての認識 しかなく、親父 に誰何 するような存在 ではなかった。
For that reason Coco was, to me, 'an older sister I can play with' and I thought of her only as one member of the family not as someone I should question my father concerning her identity.
The eyes themselves can become selective, ignoring part of what is there, and the brain sometimes insists on seeing things that don't exist at all.