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1,088 entries were found for 受.
The boss caught me napping today when he asked me about that XYZ project we worked on last month.
We experience and understand the world through signals that are received by the senses and interpreted by the brain - and both stages are subject to distortion.
すべての芸術 作品 の中 で最高 の作品 の中 にはあらゆる事 が実現 されており、私 は何 も与 える事 ができず、私 の落 ちつかない心 は、ただ受動的 に見 つめる事 に飽 きて仕舞 うのだった。
In the greatest of all works of art everything had been realized, I could give nothing, and my restless mind tired of passive contemplation.
Those who choose to retire can do so as early as sixty-two, although starting to draw their Social Security pension at that age would mean that the payments are reduced by 20 percent.
しかし、言語 の場合 は、私達 が遺伝的 に受 け継 ぐのは、話 したり、理解 したりする能力 だけである。私達 が話 す特定 の1つないし複数 の言語 は、遺伝 ではなく、文化的 な伝達 によって私達 に伝 えられるのである。
In the case of language, however, it is only the ability to talk and understand that we inherit genetically; the particular language or languages that we speak are passed on to us not by genetic transmission but by cultural transmission.
When we say that a language is culturally transmitted - that is, that it is learned rather than inherited - we mean that it is part of that whole complex of learned and shared behavior that anthropologists call culture.
それに彼女 はそれを受 け入 れることを拒否 したのでずいぶん不快 な状態 で生活 してきたのである。「なんで自分 のいやな場所 に自分 を縛 りつけることで貯 められるお金 を全部 使 わなきゃならないの?」と文句 を言 いながら。
And since she refused to accept it, she had been living in extreme discomfort, exclaiming: "Why should we spend all the capital we are ever likely to have tying ourselves down to a place we detest!"
Now Marina was a romantic, she had not yet fallen into that passive state of mind which accepts that one should find a corner to live, anywhere, and then arrange one's whole life around it.