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2 entries were found for 健やか.
インコやオウムと仲良 く楽 しく健 やかに暮 らすために、飼鳥 の行動学 やペットロスについて考 える。
In order to live happily and healthily with parakeets or parrots, you should understand the science of animal behavior for domesticated birds, and consider the emotional effect of losing them eventually.
お宮参 りで訪 れた大西 幸治 さん(40)、由希 恵 さん(34)夫妻 は「子 どもが健 やかに育 つことを祈 りました」と話 していた。
The couple who came on a shrine visit, Kouji Oonishi (40) and his wife Yukie (34) said, "We prayed that our child would grow up healthily."