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304 entries were found for 乍ら.
Students often study with music playing in the background, and people working around the house will usually turn on the television or radio to keep them company.
I'd get a soup plate and then slide the glass very carefully over to the edge of the table, and let the water run into the soup plate - it doesn't have to run onto the floor.
このようなことについては直接 お会 いして、図面 に書 いたり、ロジックアナライザやオシロでタイミングを見 たりしながら話 し合 ったほうが解決 が速 いです。
These things are much better spoken about face to face so that we can draw diagrams and demonstrate timings on logic analyzers and oscilloscopes where necessary.
それに彼女 はそれを受 け入 れることを拒否 したのでずいぶん不快 な状態 で生活 してきたのである。「なんで自分 のいやな場所 に自分 を縛 りつけることで貯 められるお金 を全部 使 わなきゃならないの?」と文句 を言 いながら。
And since she refused to accept it, she had been living in extreme discomfort, exclaiming: "Why should we spend all the capital we are ever likely to have tying ourselves down to a place we detest!"