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424 entries were found for ボー.
The women's college had a very small car park, and as several of the teachers and students, and many of the student's boyfriends, had cars, it was often difficult to find a place to park.
A recent analysis by Boeing forecasts that unless safety is improved, jet airliners could be falling out of the sky at the rate of once a week by the year 2010.
その分析 によって、ボーイング社 は、他 にも問題 があったかもしれないが、乗務員 が彼 らの任務 を正 しくやっていれば、事故 を回避 することができただろうと、言 いたいのである。
By that, Boeing means that there may also have been other problems, but that an accident could have been avoided if the crew had done their job correctly.
ボーイング社 の安全 担当 の専門家 は航空 産業 の他 の専門家 と一緒 になって制御 飛行中 の墜落 (CFIT)として知 られている墜落 事故 をなくそうと国際的 な対策 委員会 を組織 している。
Boeing's safety experts have joined others in the industry to form an international task force to try to eliminate one particular kind of air crash known as controlled flight into terrain, CFIT.