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1,841 entries were found for もう.
ギリシャのフットボールの試合 では、一方 のチームの選手 は相手 チームの陣地 のラインの向 こう側 にボールを持 ち込 もうとしたのです。
In the Greek football game, the players on one team tried to carry a ball across a line in the other team's territory.
この間 ミュージカルに見 に行 ったんだけど、前 から3列目 でさ、もう憧 れの人 が目 の前 で、もう最高 だったね。一段 と彼 を好 きになった。
I was at a musical recently, in the third row. Seeing the actor I love up close like that made me feel more smitten with him than ever.
In present day Japan, "alchemy" is only used metaphorically; to refer to improper means of making money by politicians or religious hucksters with no morals or shame.
ある朝 、食事 のときに、私 たち子 どもは、もうこれからはしたい放題 のことをして暮 らすことは許 されなくなると知 らされて、すっかり落胆 した。
One morning at breakfast we children were informed to our utter dismay that we could no longer be permitted to run absolutely wild.
The victim of blackmail has been paying hush money for years, but now he realizes it is foolish, and he has decided not to pay a red cent more.
Thunder has been explained scientifically, and people no longer believe it is a sign that the gods are angry with them, so thunder, too, is a little less frightening.
ベイカーさんは若 い男 がすぐに去 っていくと確信 した。それで彼女 は、寝 る前 までに自分 の車 を本来 の場所 に駐車 できるように、若 い男 に少 し車 を動 かすように頼 もうと思 った。
Miss Baker knew that the young man would have to leave very soon, so she decided to ask him to move his car a bit, so that she could park hers in the proper place for the night before going to bed.
3人 のうちの1人 が芝刈 り機 で私 の庭 を大雑把 にさっと刈 り、もう一 人 が妻 の庭 の端 の伸 びた雑草 をさっと2、3回刈 り、残 りの一 人 はトラックに上 がってタバコをすっていた。
While one of them sped around major parts of the property on the mower, a second made a few sweeps at some tall weeds on the edge of my wife's garden, and the third got into the truck and smoked a cigarette.
They studied it a little bit, but they couldn't spend all day finding out what to do, so they finally picked up the other one, and the water went out again, all over the floor.
Another tendency of many Japanese that bothers foreigners is to make statements that are too general and too broad by using or implying words like "all" and "every".