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394 entries were found for に取って.
そのため、僕 にとってのココは「遊 び相手 のお姉 さん」で、家族 のひとりとしての認識 しかなく、親父 に誰何 するような存在 ではなかった。
For that reason Coco was, to me, 'an older sister I can play with' and I thought of her only as one member of the family not as someone I should question my father concerning her identity.
ポケットの計算機 は靴下 と同 じくらい安 く買 え、また、鉛筆 や消 しゴムと同 じくらい、何 千 人 というイギリスの学童 にとっては生活 に不可欠 のものである。
Pocket calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair of socks, and as essential to thousands of British school children as a pencil and eraser.
A building with high ceilings and huge rooms may be less practical than the colorless block of offices that takes its place, but it often fits in well with its surroundings.
Rows of houses, each of them different and pleasing with their spacious gardens, are replaced by purely functional blocks of flats which have nothing more to commend them than over-praised 'modern conveniences'.