
Sentence Analyzer

果物 一番 りんご 好き

English Translation

I prefer apples to all the other fruits.




Kudamono de ichiban ringo ga suki.


果物 (くだもの、かぶつ)
indicates location of action; at; in; indicates time of action; indicates means of action; cause of effect; by; and then; so; indicates continuing action; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.
一番 (いちばん)
number one; first; first place; best; most; game; round; bout; as a test; as an experiment; by way of experiment; by way of trial; tentatively; song (e.g. in Noh); piece
林檎 (りんご、へいか、ひょうか、りゅうごう、りんきん、りんき、リンゴ)
apple (fruit); apple tree (Malus pumila)
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
好き (すき)
liking; fondness; love


Readings: カ、 は.たす、 はた.す、 -は.たす、 は.てる、 -は.てる、 は.て
Meanings: fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed
Readings: ブツ、 モツ、 もの、 もの-
Meanings: thing, object, matter
Readings: イチ、 イツ、 ひと-、 ひと.つ
Meanings: one, one radical (no.1)
Readings: バン、 つが.い
Meanings: turn, number in a series
Readings: コウ、 この.む、 す.く、 よ.い、 い.い
Meanings: fond, pleasing, like something