
Sentence Analyzer

風景 取られて 運転者 道路 から そらした

English Translation

The scenery diverted the driver's attention from the road.




Fūkei ni ki o torarete untensha wa dōro kara me o sorashita.


風景 (ふうけい)
scenery; scene; landscape; view; sight; scene (e.g. of a crime)
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although
spirit; mind; heart; nature; disposition; motivation; intention; mood; feelings; atmosphere; essence
indicates direct object of action; indicates subject of causative expression; indicates an area traversed; indicates time (period) over which action takes place; indicates point of departure or separation of action; indicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.
取る (とる)
to take; to pick up; to harvest; to earn; to win; to choose; to steal; to eat; to have (a meal); to remove (one's glasses, etc.); to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.); to play
運転者 (うんてんしゃ)
driver (of a vehicle)
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
道路 (どうろ)
road; highway
から (から)
from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity); since; from (originator); by; because; since; out of (constituent, part); through (e.g. window, vestibule); after; since
eye; eyeball; eyesight; sight; vision; look; stare; glance; an experience; viewpoint; stitch; texture; weave; ordinal number suffix; somewhat; -ish
逸らす (そらす)
to turn away; to avert


Readings: フウ、 フ、 かぜ、 かざ-、 -かぜ
Meanings: wind, air, style, manner
Reading: ケイ
Meanings: scenery, view
Readings: キ、 ケ、 いき
Meanings: spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood
Readings: シュ、 と.る、 と.り、 と.り-、 とり、 -ど.り
Meanings: take, fetch, take up
Readings: ウン、 はこ.ぶ
Meanings: carry, luck, destiny, fate, lot, transport, progress, advance
Readings: テン、 ころ.がる、 ころ.げる、 ころ.がす、 ころ.ぶ、 まろ.ぶ、 うたた、 うつ.る、 くる.めく
Meanings: revolve, turn around, change
Readings: シャ、 もの
Meanings: someone, person
Readings: ドウ、 トウ、 みち
Meanings: road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings
Readings: ロ、 ル、 -じ、 みち
Meanings: path, route, road, distance
Readings: モク、 ボク、 め、 -め、 ま-
Meanings: eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor