
Sentence Analyzer

我々 組合 握り 活動家 だけ うるさく 言っている

English Translation

Only a handful of activists are articulate in our union.




Wareware no kumiai de wa ichi nigiri no katsudōka dake ga urusaku itteiru.


我々 (われわれ)
indicates possessive; nominalizes verbs and adjectives; substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion; (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis; (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
組合 (くみあい)
association; union; guild
indicates location of action; at; in; indicates time of action; indicates means of action; cause of effect; by; and then; so; indicates continuing action; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
one; best; first; foremost; beginning; start; bottom string (on a shamisen, etc.)
握り (にぎり)
grasping; gripping; grasp; grip; clutch; handful; fistful; handle; grip; knob; rice ball; nigirizushi; hand-formed sushi with a topping of seafood, etc.
活動家 (かつどうか)
only; just; merely; simply; no more than; nothing but; alone; as (e.g. as soon as, as much as); worth
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
煩い (うるさい、ウルサイ)
noisy; loud; annoying; troublesome; tiresome; persistent; importunate; fussy; finicky; picky; particular; nagging; fastidious; bossy; shut up!; be quiet!
言う (いう、ゆう)
to say; to utter; to declare; to name; to call; to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"); to make a noise


Readings: ガ、 われ、 わ、 わ.が-、 わが-
Meanings: ego, I, selfish, our, oneself
Readings: ソ、 く.む、 くみ、 -ぐみ
Meanings: association, braid, plait, construct, assemble, unite, cooperate, grapple
Readings: ゴウ、 ガッ、 カッ、 あ.う、 -あ.う、 あ.い、 あい-、 -あ.い、 -あい、 あ.わす、 あ.わせる、 -あ.わせる
Meanings: fit, suit, join, 0.1
Readings: イチ、 イツ、 ひと-、 ひと.つ
Meanings: one, one radical (no.1)
Readings: アク、 にぎ.る
Meanings: grip, hold, mould sushi, bribe
Readings: カツ、 い.きる、 い.かす、 い.ける
Meanings: lively, resuscitation, being helped, living
Readings: ドウ、 うご.く、 うご.かす
Meanings: move, motion, change, confusion, shift, shake
Readings: カ、 ケ、 いえ、 や、 うち
Meanings: house, home, family, professional, expert, performer
Readings: ゲン、 ゴン、 い.う、 こと
Meanings: say, word