
Sentence Analyzer

我々 いろいろな 方法 お互い コミュニケーション する

English Translation

We can communicate with each other in many ways.




Wareware wa iroirona hōhō de otagai ni komyunike-shon suru.


我々 (われわれ)
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
色々 (いろいろ)
various; various colors (colours)
方法 (ほうほう)
method; process; manner; way; means; technique
indicates location of action; at; in; indicates time of action; indicates means of action; cause of effect; by; and then; so; indicates continuing action; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.
お互い (おたがい)
mutual; reciprocal; each other
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although
コミュニケーション (コミュニケーション、コミュニケイション)
為る (する)
to do; to cause to become; to make (into); to turn (into); to serve as; to act as; to work as; to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.); to judge as being; to view as being; to think of as; to treat as; to use as; to decide on; to choose; to be sensed (of a smell, noise, etc.); to be (in a state, condition, etc.); to be worth; to cost; to pass (of time); to elapse; verbalizing suffix (applies to nouns noted in this dictionary with the part of speech "vs"); creates a humble verb (after a noun prefixed with "o" or "go"); to be just about to; to be just starting to; to try to; to attempt to


Readings: ガ、 われ、 わ、 わ.が-、 わが-
Meanings: ego, I, selfish, our, oneself
Readings: ホウ、 かた、 -かた、 -がた
Meanings: direction, person, alternative
Readings: ホウ、 ハッ、 ホッ、 フラン、 のり
Meanings: method, law, rule, principle, model, system
Readings: ゴ、 たが.い、 かたみ.に
Meanings: mutually, reciprocally, together