
Sentence Analyzer

休暇 切りあげて 帰ってきて ください

English Translation

Please cut short your vacation and return.




Kyūka o kiriagete kaettekite kudasai.


休暇 (きゅうか)
holiday; day off; furlough; absence (from work)
indicates direct object of action; indicates subject of causative expression; indicates an area traversed; indicates time (period) over which action takes place; indicates point of departure or separation of action; indicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.
帰る (かえる)
to return; to come home; to go home; to go back; to leave; to get home; to get to home plate
下さる (くださる)
to give; to confer; to bestow; to kindly do for one; to oblige; to favour; to favor


Readings: キュウ、 やす.む、 やす.まる、 やす.める
Meanings: rest, day off, retire, sleep
Readings: カ、 ひま、 いとま
Meanings: spare time, rest, leisure, time, leave of absence
Readings: セツ、 サイ、 き.る、 -き.る、 き.り、 -き.り、 -ぎ.り、 き.れる、 -き.れる、 き.れ、 -き.れ、 -ぎ.れ
Meanings: cut, cutoff, be sharp
Readings: キ、 かえ.る、 かえ.す、 おく.る、 とつ.ぐ
Meanings: homecoming, arrive at, lead to, result in