
Sentence Analyzer

去年 訪れた 長野県 小さな だった

English Translation

The village which I visited last summer was a small one in Nagano Prefecture.




Kyonen no natsu ni watashi ga otozureta mura wa Naganoken no chiisana mura datta.


去年 (きょねん、こぞ)
last year
indicates possessive; nominalizes verbs and adjectives; substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion; (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis; (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although
I; me; private affairs; personal matter; secrecy; selfishness
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
訪れる (おとずれる、おとづれる)
to visit; to call on; to arrive; to come; to appear
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
長野県 (ながのけん)
Nagano prefecture (Chuubu area)
小さな (ちいさな)
small; little; tiny
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative


Readings: キョ、 コ、 さ.る、 -さ.る
Meanings: gone, past, quit, leave, elapse, eliminate, divorce
Readings: ネン、 とし
Meanings: year, counter for years
Readings: カ、 ガ、 ゲ、 なつ
Meaning: summer
Readings: シ、 わたくし、 わたし
Meanings: private, I, me
Readings: ホウ、 おとず.れる、 たず.ねる、 と.う
Meanings: call on, visit, look up, offer sympathy
Readings: ソン、 むら
Meanings: village, town
Readings: チョウ、 なが.い、 おさ
Meanings: long, leader, superior, senior
Readings: ヤ、 ショ、 の、 の-
Meanings: plains, field, rustic, civilian life
Readings: ケン、 か.ける
Meaning: prefecture
Readings: ショウ、 ちい.さい、 こ-、 お-、 さ-
Meanings: little, small