
Sentence Analyzer

君たち もっと 礼儀 正しく する よう しなければいけない

English Translation

You should try to be more polite.




Kimitachi wa motto reigi tadashiku suru yō ni shinakerebaikenai.


君達 (きみたち)
(used colloquially by young females) you (plural); all of you; you all
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
もっと (もっと)
(some) more; even more; longer; further
礼儀 (れいぎ)
manners; courtesy; etiquette
正しい (ただしい)
right; correct; proper; righteous; just; honest; truthful; lawful
為る (する)
to do; to cause to become; to make (into); to turn (into); to serve as; to act as; to work as; to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.); to judge as being; to view as being; to think of as; to treat as; to use as; to decide on; to choose; to be sensed (of a smell, noise, etc.); to be (in a state, condition, etc.); to be worth; to cost; to pass (of time); to elapse; verbalizing suffix (applies to nouns noted in this dictionary with the part of speech "vs"); creates a humble verb (after a noun prefixed with "o" or "go"); to be just about to; to be just starting to; to try to; to attempt to
appearing ...; looking ...; way to ...; method of ...ing; form; style; design; like; similar to; thing (thought or spoken)
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although


Readings: クン、 きみ、 -ぎみ
Meanings: mister, you, ruler, male name suffix
Readings: レイ、 ライ
Meanings: salute, bow, ceremony, thanks, remuneration
Meanings: ceremony, rule, affair, case, a matter
Readings: セイ、 ショウ、 ただ.しい、 ただ.す、 まさ、 まさ.に
Meanings: correct, justice, righteous, 10**40