
Sentence Analyzer

結果 なく 不可 なし 言った ところ です

English Translation

The result is neither good nor bad.




Kekka wa ka mo naku fuka mo nashi to itta tokoro desu.


結果 (けっか)
result; consequence; outcome; effect; coming to fruition; bearing fruit
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
passable; acceptable; tolerable; fair
too; also; in addition; as well; (not) either (in a negative sentence); both A and B; A as well as B; neither A nor B (in a negative sentence); even; as much as; as many as; as far as; as long as; no less than; no fewer than; even if; even though; although; in spite of; further; more; again; another; the other
無い (ない)
nonexistent; not being (there); unpossessed; unowned; not had; unique; indicates negation, inexperience, unnecessariness or impossibility; not ...; to not be...; to have not ...
不可 (ふか)
wrong; bad; improper; unjustifiable; inadvisable; not allowed; not possible; failing grade
if; when; and; with; particle used for quoting (with speech, thoughts, etc.); quoting particle; promoted pawn; indicates question (sentence end)
言う (いう、ゆう)
to say; to utter; to declare; to name; to call; to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"); to make a noise
place; spot; scene; site; address; district; area; locality; one's house; point; part; space; room; whereupon; as a result; about to; on the verge of; was just doing; was in the process of doing; have just done; just finished doing
です (です)
be; is


Readings: ケツ、 ケチ、 むす.ぶ、 ゆ.う、 ゆ.わえる
Meanings: tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten
Readings: カ、 は.たす、 はた.す、 -は.たす、 は.てる、 -は.てる、 は.て
Meanings: fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed
Readings: カ、 コク、 -べ.き、 -べ.し
Meanings: can, passable, mustn't, should not, do not
Readings: フ、 ブ
Meanings: negative, non-, bad, ugly, clumsy
Readings: ゲン、 ゴン、 い.う、 こと
Meanings: say, word