
Sentence Analyzer

最も 効果的 防御 攻撃 ある

English Translation

The most effective defense is offense.




Mottomo kōkateki na bōgyo wa kōgeki de aru.


最も (もっとも、もとも)
most; extremely
効果的 (こうかてき)
effective; successful
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative
防御 (ぼうぎょ)
defense; defence; safeguard; protection
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
攻撃 (こうげき)
attack; strike; offensive; criticism; censure; denunciation; condemnation
a certain ...; some ...


Readings: サイ、 シュ、 もっと.も、 つま
Meanings: utmost, most, extreme
Readings: コウ、 き.く、 ききめ、 なら.う
Meanings: merit, efficacy, efficiency, benefit
Readings: カ、 は.たす、 はた.す、 -は.たす、 は.てる、 -は.てる、 は.て
Meanings: fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed
Readings: テキ、 まと
Meanings: bull's eye, mark, target, object, adjective ending
Readings: ボウ、 ふせ.ぐ
Meanings: ward off, defend, protect, resist
Readings: ギョ、 ゴ、 おん-、 お-、 み-
Meanings: honorable, manipulate, govern
Readings: コウ、 せ.める
Meanings: aggression, attack, criticize, polish
Readings: ゲキ、 う.つ
Meanings: beat, attack, defeat, conquer