
Sentence Analyzer

昨日 強かった だけ でなく 激しく 降った

English Translation

Not only were there strong winds yesterday, but also it rained heavily.




Kinō wa kaze ga tsuyokatta dake denaku ame mo hageshiku futta.


昨日 (きのう、さくじつ)
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
wind; breeze; draught; draft; manner; behaviour; behavior; cold; influenza
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
強い (こわい)
tough; stiff; hard; inflexible; obstinate; stubborn
only; just; merely; simply; no more than; nothing but; alone; as (e.g. as soon as, as much as); worth
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative
too; also; in addition; as well; (not) either (in a negative sentence); both A and B; A as well as B; neither A nor B (in a negative sentence); even; as much as; as many as; as far as; as long as; no less than; no fewer than; even if; even though; although; in spite of; further; more; again; another; the other
激しい (はげしい)
violent; furious; tempestuous; extreme; intense; fierce; fervent; vehement; incessant; relentless; precipitous; steep
下る (くだる)
to descend; to go down; to come down; to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.); to pass (of time); to surrender; to capitulate; (often in neg. form) to be less than; to be inferior to; to have the runs; to have diarrhea


Reading: サク
Meanings: yesterday, previous
Readings: ニチ、 ジツ、 ひ、 -び、 -か
Meanings: day, sun, Japan, counter for days
Readings: フウ、 フ、 かぜ、 かざ-、 -かぜ
Meanings: wind, air, style, manner
Readings: キョウ、 ゴウ、 つよ.い、 つよ.まる、 つよ.める、 し.いる、 こわ.い
Meaning: strong
Readings: ウ、 あめ、 あま-、 -さめ
Meaning: rain
Readings: ゲキ、 はげ.しい
Meanings: violent, get excited, enraged, chafe, incite
Readings: コウ、 ゴ、 お.りる、 お.ろす、 ふ.る、 ふ.り、 くだ.る、 くだ.す
Meanings: descend, precipitate, fall, surrender