
Sentence Analyzer

昨年 会社 生産 調整 した とき ジョージ 一時 解雇された

English Translation

George was laid off when his company cut back production last year.




Sakunen kaisha ga seisan chōsei o shita toki, Jo-Ji wa ichiji kaikosareta.


昨年 (さくねん)
last year
会社 (かいしゃ)
company; corporation; workplace
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
生産 (せいさん)
production; manufacture
調整 (ちょうせい)
adjustment; regulation; coordination; reconciliation; tuning; fixing; tailoring
indicates direct object of action; indicates subject of causative expression; indicates an area traversed; indicates time (period) over which action takes place; indicates point of departure or separation of action; indicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.
為る (する)
to do; to cause to become; to make (into); to turn (into); to serve as; to act as; to work as; to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.); to judge as being; to view as being; to think of as; to treat as; to use as; to decide on; to choose; to be sensed (of a smell, noise, etc.); to be (in a state, condition, etc.); to be worth; to cost; to pass (of time); to elapse; verbalizing suffix (applies to nouns noted in this dictionary with the part of speech "vs"); creates a humble verb (after a noun prefixed with "o" or "go"); to be just about to; to be just starting to; to try to; to attempt to
とき (とき)
regular (stops at every station) Jouetsu-line Shinkansen
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
一時 (いちじ)
one o'clock; once; at one time; formerly; before; for a time; for a while; for the time being; for the present; for the moment; temporarily; a time; one time; once
解雇 (かいこ)
discharge; dismissal


Reading: サク
Meanings: yesterday, previous
Readings: ネン、 とし
Meanings: year, counter for years
Readings: カイ、 エ、 あ.う、 あ.わせる、 あつ.まる
Meanings: meeting, meet, party, association, interview, join
Readings: シャ、 やしろ
Meanings: company, firm, office, association, shrine
Readings: セイ、 ショウ、 い.きる、 い.かす、 い.ける、 う.まれる、 うま.れる、 う.まれ、 うまれ、 う.む、 お.う、 は.える、 は.やす、 き、 なま、 なま-、 な.る、 な.す、 む.す、 -う
Meanings: life, genuine, birth
Readings: サン、 う.む、 う.まれる、 うぶ-、 む.す
Meanings: products, bear, give birth, yield, childbirth, native, property
Readings: チョウ、 しら.べる、 しら.べ、 ととの.う、 ととの.える
Meanings: tune, tone, meter, key (music), writing style, prepare, exorcise, investigate, harmonize, mediate
Readings: セイ、 ととの.える、 ととの.う
Meanings: organize, arranging, tune, tone, meter, key (music)
Readings: イチ、 イツ、 ひと-、 ひと.つ
Meanings: one, one radical (no.1)
Readings: ジ、 とき、 -どき
Meanings: time, hour
Readings: カイ、 ゲ、 と.く、 と.かす、 と.ける、 ほど.く、 ほど.ける、 わか.る、 さと.る
Meanings: unravel, notes, key, explanation, understanding, untie, undo, solve, answer, cancel, absolve, explain, minute
Readings: コ、 やと.う
Meanings: employ, hire