
Sentence Analyzer

私たち 小道 しばしば 出会いました

English Translation

Our paths have crossed very often.




Watashitachi no komichi wa, shibashiba deaimashita ne.


私たち (わたしたち、わたくしたち)
we; us
indicates possessive; nominalizes verbs and adjectives; substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion; (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis; (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
小道 (こみち、しょうけい)
path; lane; small diameter; small radius
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
しばしば (しばしば、シバシバ、しぱしぱ、シパシパ)
(blinking) repeatedly
出会う (であう)
to meet (by chance); to come across; to run across; to encounter; to happen upon; to meet (e.g. of rivers, highways, etc.); to emerge and engage (an enemy)
indicates emphasis, agreement, request for confirmation, etc.; is it so; hey; come on; listen; not


Readings: シ、 わたくし、 わたし
Meanings: private, I, me
Readings: ショウ、 ちい.さい、 こ-、 お-、 さ-
Meanings: little, small
Readings: ドウ、 トウ、 みち
Meanings: road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings
Readings: シュツ、 スイ、 で.る、 -で、 だ.す、 -だ.す、 い.でる、 い.だす
Meanings: exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude
Readings: カイ、 エ、 あ.う、 あ.わせる、 あつ.まる
Meanings: meeting, meet, party, association, interview, join