
Sentence Analyzer

あなた より 低い

English Translation

I am shorter than you.




Watashi wa anata yori mo se ga hikui.


I; me; private affairs; personal matter; secrecy; selfishness
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
貴方 (あなた)
you (referring to someone of equal or lower status); dear (what a wife calls a husband)
より (より)
than; from; out of; since; at; on; except; but; other than; more
too; also; in addition; as well; (not) either (in a negative sentence); both A and B; A as well as B; neither A nor B (in a negative sentence); even; as much as; as many as; as far as; as long as; no less than; no fewer than; even if; even though; although; in spite of; further; more; again; another; the other
height; stature
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
低い (ひくい)
low (rank, degree, value, content, quality, etc.); low (position); close to the ground; short (height); deep (voice); in a low key; low (volume)


Readings: シ、 わたくし、 わたし
Meanings: private, I, me
Readings: ハイ、 せ、 せい、 そむ.く、 そむ.ける
Meanings: stature, height, back, behind, disobey, defy, go back on, rebel
Readings: テイ、 ひく.い、 ひく.める、 ひく.まる
Meanings: lower, short, humble