
Sentence Analyzer

もう こんな 悪条件 我慢 出来ない

English Translation

I can't put up with such bad conditions any more.




Watashi wa mō konna akujōken ni wa gaman dekinai.


I; me; private affairs; personal matter; secrecy; selfishness
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
もう (もう)
now; soon; shortly; before long; presently; already; yet; by now; (not) anymore; further; more; again; another; the other; interjection used to strengthen expression of an emotion (often exasperation)
こんな (こんな)
such (about something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or about ideas expressed by the speaker); like this
悪条件 (あくじょうけん)
unfavorable conditions; unfavourable conditions
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although
我慢 (がまん)
patience; endurance; perseverance; tolerance; self-control; self-denial
出来る (できる)
to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task; to be ready; to be completed; to be made; to be built; to be good at; to be permitted (to do); to become intimate; to take up (with somebody); to grow; to be raised; to become pregnant


Readings: シ、 わたくし、 わたし
Meanings: private, I, me
Readings: アク、 オ、 わる.い、 わる-、 あ.し、 にく.い、 -にく.い、 ああ、 いずくに、 いずくんぞ、 にく.む
Meanings: bad, vice, rascal, false, evil, wrong
Readings: ジョウ、 チョウ、 デキ、 えだ、 すじ
Meanings: article, clause, item, stripe, streak
Readings: ケン、 くだん
Meanings: affair, case, matter, item
Readings: ガ、 われ、 わ、 わ.が-、 わが-
Meanings: ego, I, selfish, our, oneself
Reading: マン
Meanings: ridicule, laziness
Readings: シュツ、 スイ、 で.る、 -で、 だ.す、 -だ.す、 い.でる、 い.だす
Meanings: exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude
Readings: ライ、 タイ、 く.る、 きた.る、 きた.す、 き.たす、 き.たる、 き、 こ
Meanings: come, due, next, cause, become