
Sentence Analyzer

学校 行く 時間 ジョギング 当てています

English Translation

I put in an hour of jogging before I go to school.




Watashi wa gakkō ni iku mae ni ichi jikan jogingu ni ateteimasu.


I; me; private affairs; personal matter; secrecy; selfishness
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
学校 (がっこう)
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although
行く (いく、ゆく)
to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach; to proceed; to take place; to pass through; to come and go; to walk; to die; to pass away; to do (in a specific way); to stream; to flow; to continue; to have an orgasm; to come; to cum; to trip; to get high; to have a drug-induced hallucination
ago; before (some event); previously; (minutes) to (the hour); in front (of); before (e.g. the house); head (of a line); front (e.g. of a bus); fore part; in the presence of; helping; portion; privates; private parts
one; best; first; foremost; beginning; start; bottom string (on a shamisen, etc.)
時間 (じかん)
time; hours
ジョギング (ジョギング、ジョッギング)
当てる (あてる)
to hit; to expose; to apply (e.g. patch); to put on; to put against; to hold on; to hold against; to allot; to call on someone (e.g. in class); to guess (an answer); to make a hit (e.g. in a lottery)


Readings: シ、 わたくし、 わたし
Meanings: private, I, me
Readings: ガク、 まな.ぶ
Meanings: study, learning, science
Readings: コウ、 キョウ
Meanings: exam, school, printing, proof, correction
Readings: コウ、 ギョウ、 アン、 い.く、 ゆ.く、 -ゆ.き、 -ゆき、 -い.き、 -いき、 おこな.う、 おこ.なう
Meanings: going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank
Readings: ゼン、 まえ、 -まえ
Meanings: in front, before
Readings: イチ、 イツ、 ひと-、 ひと.つ
Meanings: one, one radical (no.1)
Readings: ジ、 とき、 -どき
Meanings: time, hour
Readings: カン、 ケン、 あいだ、 ま、 あい
Meanings: interval, space
Readings: トウ、 あ.たる、 あ.たり、 あ.てる、 あ.て、 まさ.に、 まさ.にべし
Meanings: hit, right, appropriate, himself