
Sentence Analyzer

生れた ぽんど 重さ だった

English Translation

My daughter weighed eight pounds at birth.




Musume wa umareta toki hachi pondo no omosa datta.


(my) daughter; girl (i.e. a young, unmarried woman)
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
生まれる (うまれる)
to be born
time; hour; moment; occasion; case; chance; opportunity; season; the times; the age; the day; tense
ポンド (ポンド)
pound (unit of weight); pound (currency); pound sterling; pond
indicates possessive; nominalizes verbs and adjectives; substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion; (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis; (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
重い (おもい)
heavy; weighty; massive; heavy (feeling); depressed; gloomy; blue; uneasy; slow; sluggish; lumbering; ponderous; clumsy; important; serious; grave; serious; severe; critical; solid; established; dignified; sensible
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative


Readings: ジョウ、 むすめ、 こ
Meanings: daughter, girl
Readings: セイ、 ショウ、 い.きる、 い.かす、 い.ける、 う.まれる、 うま.れる、 う.まれ、 うまれ、 う.む、 お.う、 は.える、 は.やす、 き、 なま、 なま-、 な.る、 な.す、 む.す、 -う
Meanings: life, genuine, birth
Readings: ジ、 とき、 -どき
Meanings: time, hour
Readings: ジュウ、 チョウ、 え、 おも.い、 おも.り、 おも.なう、 かさ.ねる、 かさ.なる、 おも
Meanings: heavy, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold