
Sentence Analyzer

灼熱 太陽 焦げる ほど だった

English Translation

The scorching sun grilled us.




Shakunetsu no taiyō de karada ga kogeru hodo datta.


灼熱 (しゃくねつ)
red hot; white hot; scorching heat; incandescence
indicates possessive; nominalizes verbs and adjectives; substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion; (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis; (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
太陽 (たいよう)
sun; solar
indicates location of action; at; in; indicates time of action; indicates means of action; cause of effect; by; and then; so; indicates continuing action; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.
body; torso; trunk; build; physique; constitution; health; corpse; dead body
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
焦げる (こげる)
to burn; to be burned
degree; extent; bounds; limit; indicates approx. amount or maximum; upper limit
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative


Readings: シャク、 あらた、 やく
Meaning: miraculous
Readings: ネツ、 あつ.い
Meanings: heat, temperature, fever, mania, passion
Readings: タイ、 タ、 ふと.い、 ふと.る
Meanings: plump, thick, big around
Readings: ヨウ、 ひ
Meanings: sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime
Readings: タイ、 テイ、 からだ、 かたち
Meanings: body, substance, object, reality, counter for images
Readings: ショウ、 こ.げる、 こ.がす、 こ.がれる、 あせ.る
Meanings: char, hurry, impatient, irritate, burn, scorch, singe