
Sentence Analyzer

首相 週間 以内に 辞任する 発表した

English Translation

The Prime Minister announced that he would resign within a few weeks.




Shushō wa sū shūkan inaini jininsuru to happyōshita.


首相 (しゅしょう)
Prime Minister; Chancellor (Germany, Austria, etc.); Premier
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
週間 (しゅうかん)
week; weekly
辞任 (じにん)
to resign; resignation
if; when; and; with; particle used for quoting (with speech, thoughts, etc.); quoting particle; promoted pawn; indicates question (sentence end)
発表 (はっぴょう)
announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling


Readings: シュ、 くび
Meanings: neck, counter for songs and poems
Readings: ソウ、 ショウ、 あい-
Meanings: inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy
Readings: スウ、 ス、 サク、 ソク、 シュ、 かず、 かぞ.える、 しばしば、 せ.める、 わずらわ.しい
Meanings: number, strength, fate, law, figures
Reading: シュウ
Meaning: week
Readings: カン、 ケン、 あいだ、 ま、 あい
Meanings: interval, space
Readings: イ、 もっ.て
Meanings: by means of, because, in view of, compared with
Readings: ナイ、 ダイ、 うち
Meanings: inside, within, between, among, house, home
Readings: ジ、 や.める、 いな.む
Meanings: resign, word, term, expression
Readings: ニン、 まか.せる、 まか.す
Meanings: responsibility, duty, term, entrust to, appoint
Readings: ハツ、 ホツ、 た.つ、 あば.く、 おこ.る、 つか.わす、 はな.つ
Meanings: departure, discharge, publish, emit, start from, disclose, counter for gunshots
Readings: ヒョウ、 おもて、 -おもて、 あらわ.す、 あらわ.れる、 あら.わす
Meanings: surface, table, chart, diagram