
Sentence Analyzer

授業 終わって 子供たち 帰宅した

English Translation

As the lessons were over, the children went home.




Jugyō ga owatte, kodomotachi wa kitakushita.


授業 (じゅぎょう)
lesson; class work; teaching; instruction
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
終わる (おわる)
to finish; to end; to close
子供達 (こどもたち)
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
帰宅 (きたく)
returning home


Readings: ジュ、 さず.ける、 さず.かる
Meanings: impart, instruct, grant, confer
Readings: ギョウ、 ゴウ、 わざ
Meanings: business, vocation, arts, performance
Readings: シュウ、 お.わる、 -お.わる、 おわ.る、 お.える、 つい、 つい.に
Meanings: end, finish
Readings: シ、 ス、 ツ、 こ、 -こ、 ね
Meanings: child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac
Readings: キョウ、 ク、 クウ、 グ、 そな.える、 とも、 -ども
Meanings: submit, offer, present, serve (meal), accompany
Readings: キ、 かえ.る、 かえ.す、 おく.る、 とつ.ぐ
Meanings: homecoming, arrive at, lead to, result in
Reading: タク
Meanings: home, house, residence, our house, my husband