
Sentence Analyzer

信じられない かも しれない けど とむ

English Translation

Believe it or not, Tom is 70 years old.




Shinjirarenai kamo shirenai kedo Tomu wa nana zero sai na n da yo.


信じる (しんじる)
to believe; to believe in; to place trust in; to confide in; to have faith in
かも (かも)
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
知れる (しれる)
to become known; to come to light; to be discovered; to be known; to be understood; to obviously not amount to much; to seem trivial; to be evident; to be obvious; to go without saying; to be very intense (worry, hope, etc.); to be extremely severe
けど (けど、けれども、けれど、けども、けんど)
but; however; although
富む (とむ)
to be rich; to become rich; to be abundant (with); to abound (with); to be rich (in)
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
seven; hepta-
circle (sometimes used for zero); 'correct' (when marking); symbol used as a placeholder (either because a number of other words could be used in that position, or because of censorship); period; full stop; maru mark; semivoiced sound; p-sound
-years-old; ability; gift; talent; aptitude; genius
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative
yes; yeah; uh huh; negative verb ending used in informal speech (abbr. of negative verb ending "nu"); abbr. of particle "no"; abbr. of particle "ni" (used especially when it precedes the verb "naru")
indicates certainty, emphasis, contempt, request, etc.; used when calling out to someone; used to catch one's breath or get someone's attention; yo!


Reading: シン
Meanings: faith, truth, fidelity, trust
Readings: サイ、 セイ、 とし、 とせ、 よわい
Meanings: year-end, age, occasion, opportunity