
Sentence Analyzer

製造 業者 その 製品 欠陥 に対して 法的な 責任 ある

English Translation

Manufacturers are liable for defects in their products.




Seizō gyōsha wa sono seihin no kekkan nitaishite hōtekina sekinin ga aru.


製造 (せいぞう)
manufacture; production
業者 (ぎょうしゃ)
trader; merchant; vendor; manufacturer; contractor
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
其の (その)
that (something or someone distant from the speaker, close to the listener; actions of the listener, or ideas expressed or understood by the listener); the; um...; er...; uh...
製品 (せいひん)
manufactured goods; finished goods; product
indicates possessive; nominalizes verbs and adjectives; substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion; (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis; (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
欠陥 (けっかん)
defect; fault; deficiency; deformity; shortage; gap
に対して (にたいして)
towards; against; regarding; in contrast with
法的 (ほうてき)
責任 (せきにん)
duty; responsibility (incl. supervision of staff); liability; onus
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
有る (ある)
to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to exist; to live; to have; to be located; to be equipped with; to happen; to come about


Reading: セイ
Meanings: made in..., manufacture
Readings: ゾウ、 つく.る、 つく.り、 -づく.り
Meanings: create, make, structure, physique
Readings: ギョウ、 ゴウ、 わざ
Meanings: business, vocation, arts, performance
Readings: シャ、 もの
Meanings: someone, person
Readings: ヒン、 ホン、 しな
Meanings: goods, refinement, dignity, article, counter for meal courses
Readings: ケツ、 ケン、 か.ける、 か.く
Meanings: lack, gap, fail, yawning radical (no. 76)
Readings: カン、 おちい.る、 おとしい.れる
Meanings: collapse, fall into, cave in, fall (castle), slide into
Readings: タイ、 ツイ、 あいて、 こた.える、 そろ.い、 つれあ.い、 なら.ぶ、 むか.う
Meanings: vis-a-vis, opposite, even, equal, versus, anti-, compare
Readings: ホウ、 ハッ、 ホッ、 フラン、 のり
Meanings: method, law, rule, principle, model, system
Readings: テキ、 まと
Meanings: bull's eye, mark, target, object, adjective ending
Readings: セキ、 せ.める
Meanings: blame, condemn, censure
Readings: ニン、 まか.せる、 まか.す
Meanings: responsibility, duty, term, entrust to, appoint