
Sentence Analyzer

調べてみる その 計画 実行 不可能 わかった

English Translation

On examination, I found that it was impossible to carry out the plan.




Shirabetemiru to, sono keikaku wa jikkō fukanō to wakatta.


調べる (しらべる)
to examine; to investigate; to check up; to sense; to study; to inquire; to search
if; when; and; with; particle used for quoting (with speech, thoughts, etc.); quoting particle; promoted pawn; indicates question (sentence end)
其の (その)
that (something or someone distant from the speaker, close to the listener; actions of the listener, or ideas expressed or understood by the listener); the; um...; er...; uh...
計画 (けいかく)
plan; project; schedule; scheme; program; programme
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
実行 (じっこう)
practice; practising; performance; execution (e.g. program) (programme); realization; realisation; implementation
不可能 (ふかのう)
分かる (わかる)
to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow; to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out


Readings: チョウ、 しら.べる、 しら.べ、 ととの.う、 ととの.える
Meanings: tune, tone, meter, key (music), writing style, prepare, exorcise, investigate, harmonize, mediate
Readings: ケイ、 はか.る、 はか.らう
Meanings: plot, plan, scheme, measure
Readings: ガ、 カク、 エ、 カイ、 えが.く、 かく.する、 かぎ.る、 はかりごと、 はか.る
Meanings: brush-stroke, picture
Readings: ジツ、 シツ、 み、 みの.る、 まこと、 みの、 みち.る
Meanings: reality, truth
Readings: コウ、 ギョウ、 アン、 い.く、 ゆ.く、 -ゆ.き、 -ゆき、 -い.き、 -いき、 おこな.う、 おこ.なう
Meanings: going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank
Readings: フ、 ブ
Meanings: negative, non-, bad, ugly, clumsy
Readings: カ、 コク、 -べ.き、 -べ.し
Meanings: can, passable, mustn't, should not, do not
Readings: ノウ、 よ.く
Meanings: ability, talent, skill, capacity